Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Plans Change With Love...........

We had always planned to have this beautiful kennel block with inside suites leading out to en-suits and day runs, but this never quite happened.  I had seen just what I had thought I had wanted with a very nice open plan office with a small kitchen and bathroom.  I would of course have a cot style bed in there for when I needed to be near the girls during delivery and for a few days after.  I would have all of the comforts with air con and heating, a coffee maker and toaster - it would all be so idyllic and comfy and very tidy.  Little did I know that there was no way in the world that I could allow my boys let alone my girls be out in kennels no matter how comfy it would be.  Not in the house under my feet, not have the pleasure of endless hours sitting on the bathroom floor delivering puppies with no coffee or toast.  As we got to know our dogs and they began to learn how to wrap us around their little toessies we could not bare to be away from them - Libby most certainly was The Princess and Princesses have to sleep with Mama's.  She along with Lucky, who was our foundation male were both terrified of storms and could sense them long before we could hear them - beside Libby liked to eat ice cream and birthday cake while she was in labour......The idea of these beautiful kennels went out of the window.  All of our pups are hand delivered by me, they spend their first three weeks next to my bed then graduate to the the en-suite.  When they start to get out of the puppy bed they graduate to the puppy room where they learn to use the litter box and then the puppy door.  Libby has long been spayed,  but she is still my beautiful spoiled Princess, growing more regal every day.  She is now grandmama and spends her days as my shadow and her nights curled up around my head.....No kennels for us, here.......

Royal Windsor Princess Libby